Blockland Bf3 Weapon Pack

Step 1 Games LLCBlockland Bf3 Weapon Pack

If you want you can skip to the comprehensive feature list and other juicy stuff scroll down a bit. Have you enjoyed games like Receiver or Fistful of Frags and their gunplay? Have you yearned for some of those mechanics in Blockland? Have you hated the simple R-to-Reload systems almost every gun in every videogame in existance has and instead have reloading be a part of the gun's micromanaging process? (Wow. Piratear Psp Slim 6.60 Permanente on this page. ) Well this add-on is for you!

Weapon_Package_Complex is a weapon pack designed for those servers that need a little more 'realistic' edge in their gunplay mechanics. Weapons use Port's revolutionary Timed/Segmented Raycasts system - basically not-instant raycast 'projectiles' that have things like gravity, etc. All guns have also been tweaked to emulate their real-life counterparts in terms of performance while also keeping stern balancing mechanics in place - every weapon in the pack can counter another in skilled hands. Damage-wise all weapons are balanced and every weapon with the exception of the shotgun have headshots - usually 3 multiplier on base damage (exception is the M24 Sniper with 4 mult and automatic weapons like Thompson and UZI having different multipliers) FEATURE LIST (OH BOY!) • Headshots thanks to Port's Region Damage Support - If I wanted to I could've added armshots, legshots, etc. But I chose not to! Downloading Xbox 360 Games Iso.