Programs Database Connectivity Java
Relational Database and and Structure Query Language (SQL) I presume that you have some knowledge on Relational Databases and the SQL language. Otherwise, read '. Setting-up MySQL In this section, I shall describe the MySQL relational database system. For other database systems, read '. Install MySQL (read ').

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application programming interface (API) for the programming language Java, which defines how a client may access a database. How to connect to a database using java code. To connect to a database you need a Connection object. Program Files Sun JavaDB lib.

I shall assume that the MySQL server is running on the default port number 3306. On MySQL, instead of using the ' mysql' interactive client program provided, you can write your own client programs (in Java or other languages) to access the MySQL server. Your client programs shall connect to the database server at the given IP address and TCP port number, issue the SQL commands, and process the results received.
Install JDK and Programming Editor Before you proceed, I shall assume that you are familiar with Java Programming and have installed the followings: • JDK (Read '). • A programming text editor, such as TextPad, Notepad++, Sublime, Atom for Windows (Read '), or jEdit, gEdit, Sublime, Atom for Mac OS (Read '). Create a Directory to Keep all your Works I shall assume that you have created a directory called ' c: myWebProject' (for Windows) or ' ~ myWebProject' (for Mac OS X) in your earlier exercises. Do it otherwise.
This step is important; otherwise, you will be out-of-sync with this article and will not be able to find your files later. Install MySQL JDBC Driver ( Don't MISS This Step!) You need to install an appropriate JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) driver to run your Java database programs.
The MySQL's JDBC driver is called 'MySQL Connector/J' and is available at MySQL mother site.
How to connect to Oracle database from Java Program using JDBC API is common need for many Java programmer, though there are lot of framework available which has simplified JDBC development e.g hibernate, Spring JdbcTempate and many more, but creating Java program to connect to oracle database from plain old Java is still most easy and quickest method for testing and debugging database connectivity. Database connection program is also a common Java programming exercise in many Java programming courses on school, colleges and various training institutes. We have been exploring some advanced concepts and best practices on JDBC in my previous articles like and application, which you may like if you are on more advanced level. Spyagent 6 4 Rapidshare on this page. This simple java program is intended for beginners in Java which have just started learning JDBC API.