Rules For Jenga Drinking Game
• Go turn-wise and draw one block from any level of the tower (except the one below an incomplete top level). Eye Berry For Healthy Eyesight Diet here. • Place that block on the topmost level. The use of only one hand is allowed. • The next player has to pull another block out and place it on top (using only one hand at a time). • A turn ends once the next player touches the tower or at the end of 15 seconds, whatever comes first.
Drinking while playing Jenga is great. But we've been inspired to make it better by some of the rules and drawings posted online. We're on a mission to find the best. The Jenga Drinking Game will have you falling all over the place in laughter. Here are the funny rules to write on each block for Drunk Jenga & how to play! The Big List of Drinking Jenga Tiles. The rules and tiles are all reset. Regardless of how many games are played in that time period.

• The player who draws the block out, has to follow what is written on it. • The game ends when the tower falls. • A person who makes the tower or a block fall, loses the game. On some blocks, you could write who drinks. For example, a block could say 'Choose who drinks'. The player drawing this block gets to pick a player who is supposed to finish his/her drink. You could build around the players' positions.