Windows Update Er Slipstream

I am trying to Slipstreaming Windows 2008 R2 with the latest Windows Updates. I am using a Microsoft tool (WAIK dism.exe) to achieve that.
Microsoft has finally released a “Convenience Rollup” for Windows 7 that. How to Slipstream the Convenience Rollup. KB3020369 update–to the Windows 7. This article discusses how an administrator can integrate Windows. How to integrate software updates into your Windows. A Windows XP update may.
The windows updates are grabbed from Windows Update Catalog The updates have been grab in 2 different formats (.CAB and.MSU) However, i did succeed to update the install.wim file with the.MSU updates but i have been getting an error message every time i attempt to slipstream a.CAB update to the install.wim file. *The comand line: C: Program Files Windows AIK Tools amd64 Servicing>dism /image:D: WORK mnt /add-package /packagepath:D: WORK Downl oaded_upda tes_new UT AXTAPrinte rsCDC1970_ DCC2970KPD L AMD64_X8 6-pt-20416 435_695a21 92d5b16312 338f824feb c4097 *The error message: Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Error: 87 No packages were found that require processing. The DISM log file can be found at C: Windows Logs DISM dism.
Log Is there anybody familiar with this issue and its solution. Thank you in advanced.
So I need to slipstream our Windows security updates into all of our images going forth. Dms Psytrance Kicks Rar - Download Free Apps. I have a tool to add the updates to the ISO successfully, but gathering the updates are becoming really tough.
I've tried WUD. Updates aren't being added to it and the update list hasn't been updated in a year. I've tried other various mass update downloaders but none of them seem to work at all. WSUS is painfully slow and it takes hours to download and push 3GB of updates to 10 client pc's at once. How is everyone here doing it? What Carl said. A VM with an MDT task sequence to update and capture.
I'm a bit lazier about it than he is, I rebuild quarterly. Although with the latest.NET out, I will probably do one soon, as.NET updates have taken ages in the past. Since I haven't mastered snapshotting, I build mine off the base Win 7 SP1 image, typically kick it off remotely after everyone's gone home and a fully patched capture is waiting when I get in in the morning.ADD - the VM pulls its updates from WSUS Edited Jan 29, 2016 at 6:29 UTC. I just recently got into doing this and developed a somewhat laborious system, but it allows me to test and validate each step and know that what I'm doing works. This requires a VM of the target OS. Install OS of choice to a VM 2.
Within the VM, download and run a utility called PortUp 3. Using PortUp, scan for updates and then download them 4. Copy cache directory in PortUp folder to host machine 5.
Using dism on the command line (or google DISM GUI.exe), mount install.wim from source ISO, then /add-package /packagepath:x: (using dism is beyond the scope of this guide, there is lots of help on google) 6. Repack ISO with updated install.wim. NTLite is very useful here! I've had utilities such as WinISO corrupt the bootable aspect. Install new copy in VM 8. Scan for updates again with PortUp, making sure to clear out the cache folder 9.
Repeat steps 4 through 7 until all the updates that can be slipstreamed are installed Slipstreaming IE requires prerequisites and the files. Google the prereqs for desired version and how to get the cabs. As long as you keep multiple copies of your ISO you can always fall back to the most recent one that works in case you run into trouble. I name them based on the date they were updated. For example, 'Windows 7 x64 16.1.29'.