Administrativo De Derecho Manual

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Author by: Eva Nieto-Garrido Language: en Publisher by: Bloomsbury Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 58 Total Download: 819 File Size: 54,8 Mb Description: This book presents an integrated approach to general questions of European administrative law and offers some possible solutions to the problems which it poses, the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe being the point of reference. Under the Treaty general questions of administrative law are no longer addressed merely in a fragmented or incidental way but as a discipline that governs the exercise of sovereign powers by a supranational entity. This calls for a detailed examination of the fields which comprise European administrative law and the book therefore examines in some detail the key areas of rulemaking powers and normative instruments, the implications of the Charter of Fundamental Rights for European and national administrations, administrative procedure, and judicial protection within the European Union. The Foreword to the book is written by Professor Carol Harlow. Author by: Sabino Cassese Language: en Publisher by: Oxford University Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 58 Total Download: 829 File Size: 46,7 Mb Description: The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law series describes and analyses the public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human Rights and, importantly, the domestic public laws of European states. Recognizing that the ongoing vertical and horizontal processes of European integration make legal comparison the task of our time for both scholars and practitioners, it aims to foster the development of a specifically European legal pluralism and to contribute to the legitimacy and efficiency of European public law. The first volume of the series begins this enterprise with an appraisal of the evolution of the state and its administration, with cross-cutting contributions and also specific country reports.
While the former include, among others, treatises on historical antecedents of the concept of European public law, the development of the administrative state as such, the relationship between constitutional and administrative law, and legal conceptions of statehood, the latter focus on states and legal orders as diverse as, e.g., Spain and Hungary or Great Britain and Greece. With this, the book provides access to the systematic foundations, pivotal historic moments, and legal thought of states bound together not only by a common history but also by deep and entrenched normative ties; for the quality of the ius publicum europaeum can be no better than the common understanding European scholars and practitioners have of the law of other states. An understanding thus improved will enable them to operate with the shared skills, knowledge, and values that can bring to fruition the different processes of European integration. Author by: Mads Andenas Language: en Publisher by: OUP Oxford Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 52 Total Download: 507 File Size: 46,6 Mb Description: While the role of comparative law in the courts was previously only an exception, foreign sources are now increasingly becoming a source of law in regular use in supreme and constitutional courts. There is considerable variation between the practices of courts and the role of comparative law, and methods remain controversial. In the US, the issue has been one of intense public debate and it is still one of the major dividing issues in the discussion about the role of the courts. Contributing to the existing discussion of the use of comparative law in the courts, this book provides an inclusive, coherent, and practical analysis of the relevant law and jurisprudence in comparative law in the courts.