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What does an economic operator need to do before starting customs activities in the EU? Any economic operator established in the EU needs to have an EORI number. Economic operators established outside the EU have to be assigned an EORI number if they lodge a customs declaration, an Entry or an Exit Summary Declaration. AEO applicants in particular (see above) need to have an EORI number that they must enter in box 9 of the AEO application form (see also the Guidelines on EORI below). Moreover, it is irrelevant if the economic operator is a company (legal person) or a natural person.
Even an individual needs to have a valid registration number, used by one of the Member States. The application should be sent to the customs authorities of the Member States in which the economic operator is established (in case of EU economic operators). Online access to EORI is available from our. Password Hack more. An economic operator not established in the customs territory of the European Union also needs to apply for an EORI number.

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Economic operators from third countries need an EORI number in order to: • lodge a customs declaration, an or an, • apply for AEO status (Authorised Economic Operator), • apply for simplifications in economic procedures. EORI e-learning tool An e-learning course on EORI is now available for.