C Program To Find Combination Of String

For starters, you're going wrong here: char *var = 'abc'; int length = strlen(var); printf('length =%d n',length); char *outBuffer = malloc ( length * sizeof (char)); bzero(outBuffer,3); This is very confused code. It's mixing dynamic buffer length handling (the strlen() call) with static ones (the 3 in the bzero() call). It's also Doing It Wrong, by using sizeof (char) (which is guaranteed to be 1 by the C language, and thus just adds noise and confusion). Also, the number of characters needed to hold a 3-character printable string in C is not 3, but 4 since you need one character for the terminating ' 0'.
I am trying to print all possible combinations of the string 'abc' using C. All possible combinations in a string in C. Stdlib.h>void combination. Programming forums Java Java JSRs Mobile Certification Databases Caching. How to find all possible combinations of charcters in. Finding combinations of string.
// Program to print all combination of size r in an array of size n #include void combinationUtil(int arr[], int data[], int start, int end, int index, int r); // The main function that prints all combinations of size r // in arr[] of size n. This C++ Program which permutations of given character string. The program takes in a character string and prints the permutation of a given character string.
Hey Darry!, the question is algorithmic question it's not about strings,it's a part of a huge algorithm currently implement it,i've just simplified the questions to strings so you may understand what do i want? I want to find the best solution recursively or not recursive from the public you dont' need to talk about recommendation in SCJP, i'm currently doing a FYI. Monster Curves Reality there. Hi Peter, i want to stor every solution as described in my last post in char array.it's not ABCD.
It may be ABCDEFGJKSLDLFD. The length is variable.
Alaa salameh wrote:I mean you can reverse and but the size of each array should be N. EX: let ABCD the string, ACB will not be accepted the length should be the same length of the original string,So it's not permutation, and we will get N! Download Dj Yoda Chop Suey Rar more.