Cosmetology Apprenticeship Programs In Los Angeles

Program Information The Cosmetology Apprenticeship Program is a training program that allows a trainee, called an apprentice, to earn a wage while studying to become a cosmetologist under the guidance and supervision of a California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology licensee in a salon licensed by the Board. A contract, called an indenture agreement, is drawn up between the salon owner and the student apprentice.
Use our directory of cosmetology instructor schools in California to find programs that can. Dish Network 508d Manual. In a cosmetology instructor training program. A website for the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
Find Programs Today: Esthetician training Los Angeles, cosmetology programs in California. Are you searching for a quality cosmetology school in Los Angeles? Apprenticeship Standards; Find an apprenticeship program Description of apprenticeship programs Definitions used. Search available apprenticeship programs.
This is a full-time two-year program. The apprentice must be indentured and employed full-time (at least 32 hours a week); and must attend at least 220 hours of college credit, related and supplemental classroom instruction. At the completion of the apprenticeship, the apprentice must apply for a professional license, pay the appropriate fee, and pass the licensure examination. Completion of the program meets the requirements for a Certificate of Achievement from Santiago Canyon College. Application Information In order to indenture into the apprenticeship program (become an apprentice) a person must: • Be at least sixteen (16) years of age and have completed the 10th grade or its equivalency. • Have (1) a training program sponsor, (2) a trainer licensed by the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology who is willing to teach you, and (3) an establishment licensed by the Board that is willing to allow you to work. • Complete 39 hours of Pre-Apprentice training from an approved provider.
Letraset Revue Font more. • Complete and submit an Application of Licensure as a Licensed Apprentice and for Approval of Trainers and Establishments and pay the appropriate fee. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis, with the approval of UFCW Union, Local #324 Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee. Contact Information Orange County Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (Orange County JATC) John Sanders 1905 E. 17th Street, #316 Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-542-4000 Email: Santiago Canyon College-Apprenticeship 8045 East Chapman Avenue Orange, CA (714) 628-4883 FAX (714) 538-2102 Email:
Name of the accrediting agency this placement rate is calculated for: Naccas Follow the link below to find out who is included in the calculation of this rate: What types of jobs were these students placed in? The job placement rate includes completers hired for: Jobs within the field Positions that recent completers were hired for include: Hair Stylist When were the former students employed? This rate is based on program completers who were employed within 1 year of completion and employed for at least 12 weeks How were completers tracked? Completer/alumni survey (99% response rate).