Difference Between Selection And Subselection Tool In Flash

The SWF file format describes curves as Quadratic Bezier curves. These curves are a little different from the Cubic Beziers that PostScript uses.
As the describes: 'SWF uses Quadratic Bezier curves because they can be stored more compactly, and can be rendered more efficiently.' Quadratic Beziers have only one control handle for each segment of the curve. In a PostScript drawing tool, two nodes on the curve, and two control handles off the curve define each curve segment.

There are a total of four data points. The SWF file format also describes the two on-the-curve nodes. However, it's only necessary to describe one off-the-curve control handle. Therefore, it can describe the same curve with three data points.
This sample chapter covers the key tools and techniques for drawing in Flash MX. Key differences between Flash and other. Is Flash's selection tool. Jul 08, 2008 Today we cover the differences between the Selection and Subselection tools in Adobe Flash. Want to stay up to date. Using the Primitive tools (Smart Shapes) in Flash in this free tutorial. Neither the Selection nor Subselection tool will allow you to modify them in the way.
Mortal Kombat 5 Deadly Alliance Pc. Flash 5 introduced a Bezier Pen Tool and a Subselection Tool. This tool can create and edit alternate Cubic Bezier representations of all of the native Quadratic Bezier curves. The core representation remains the native Quadratic Bezier curve.