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Virtual Fashion Works 1. Soundcloud Downloader Firefox Add On on this page. 0 is a revolutionary fashion design and education tool built on an idea so simple that users can begin designing within minutes of installation. Using our patented system of design based on three dimensional garment molds, instead of traditional patterns, students and fashion professionals can shape and customize their garments achieving spectacular visual results in record time. Thanks to its friendly interface and easy-to-use tools VF Works offers real time garment visualization on digital models to greatly accelerate the prototyping and design processes. Moreover, these garments behave and fit the mannequin as they should in the real world thanks to our cutting-edge cloth simulation technology.
VF Works makes sketching unnecessary and focuses on the creative and production process. VF Works is the first fashion technology partner of the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and is already in use by educators and students at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), ESDI (Spain), EVTEK (Finland) with the list of learning institutions using Virtual Fashion growing every day.