Download Pokemon Fire Red Trainer Card Hack

This hack is for Pokemon FireRed (English). This hack is totally FREE for download. Yourself the greatest Pokemon trainer. Cirque Du Soleil Alegria Musicas Download. Play Pokemon Galacta right now. Moemon Fire Red (Hack) GBA ROM download for the Nintendo GBA (Gameboy Advance). Game description, information and ROM download page.
Information Fire Red and Leaf Green were released for GBA back in 2004. They were fun and nostalgic but as of now, are outdated and because of that I've decided to re-make those games for the Nintendo DS system. This project is a hack of Heart Gold and Soul Silver allowing me to use the map of Kanto in which these games took place. Originally this project was started by 'Chaos Rush', though he discontinued it very early on. I picked up where he left of and have made significant progress, so I decided to share it. Vag-com Release 409.1 For Modern Serial Interfaces more.
Known Issues/Bugs • Rival title and name are incorrect (Leader Silver) • Garry's sister does not give Town Map • Fossils aren't handed out at Mt. Moon • Entering Misty's Gym causes black screen • The second rival battle script isn't complete yet (can fight multiple times) • NPCs dialog not added, for the most part.
• Shops don't sell the correct items. • Badges don't show up on Trainer Card. Moon Focus Punch is given in replacement for Mega Punch. Progress The game is playable all the way up to Misty. You can't battle her, but you can battle the 10+ trainers on the bridge (and above). V0.2 - Mom now heals your Pokemon. - Parcel must now be delivered to Oak.
- NPCs and trainers added to Viridian Forest. - Running shoes available. - Added NPC on Route 1 that gives a Potion. - When entering Mt. Moon it no longer says Union Cave. - Second rival battle added (Route 22) - Explanation battle implemented. - All trainers on bridge & to Mr.
Pokemons house have been added, with the correct pokemon. - Trainers all now have the correct Pokemon. Logitech Quickcam 8.4 6 Driver Windows Xp. - Fixed much of the dialog.
- Fixed bug where oak wouldn't take you to get your first pokemon. ---v0.1 - Initial version by Chaos Rush.