How To Use A Total Station Pdf

Massive Vst Plugin Crack. ToTal STaTion InstructIon manual BaSic ProcedureS for r-400V serIes r-422Vn r-423Vn r-425Vn r-435Vn TI Asahi Co., Ltd. International sales Department. The use of levels and total stations is illustrated by a series of practical examples. In addition, applications programs are described; these are incorporated into the.
Set up the station. Extend the tripod legs, and position the top of the tripod so that it is exactly over the mark from where you wish to work. Adjust the tripod so that the top is more or less level.
Push the legs slightly into the ground to stabilize the station. Mount the instrument onto the tripod. Use the plumb-bob to center the instrument over the mark.
Make adjustments to the station and tripod position to get it over the mark. Drakensang Patches English. Windows Update Er Slipstream. Adjust the base of the tripod by lengthening or shortening each tripod leg, until the circular level is even. Use the bubble level on the plate to level the station by adjusting two leveling screws until the level is between the two lines. Then turn the station a quarter of a turn, and use the third screw to make the final fine adjustment. Turn the station several times to make sure it stays level and centered in any direction.