Pocket Monsters Blue English Patch
I've updated for you pocket monsters english patch, browser m3 supply render. Japanese Blue Version; Name: ポケットモンスター Blue Version (Pocket Monsters)->Romanized: Pocket Monsters Blue Version->Japanized: ポケット.
Ok, this needs to be bumped. The localizations of the first two Pokemon generations are pretty awful, as confirmed by the big Japanese-to-English translator himself and by so many hackers. RAGECANDYBAR, terrible move names, incorrect trade dialogue, so on and so forth. A while ago, some idiot decided to do a hack of Pocket Monsters Green because of the myth that Green is this super special game or whatever. Of course, it's not a retranslation at all (they took the English script and did. To it), but someone went out of their way to do this because of a myth that had already been proven wrong all over the internet long before they even started the hack.

Sadly, because of this myth (and people like you), Red and Green (and G/S/C) are probably never going to get retranslated like they should, and Blue is never going to get translated at all. Then again, this is also the community who thinks having a placeholder Pokedex entry for a glitch Pokemon is an improvement. I know someone is going to just tell me 'do it yourself'. The Nonprofit Sector A Research Handbook. Yes, do something that should have been done a decade ago by myself when there's an entire community already dedicated to the art.
Please remember that finding a translator and getting the script done (hell, there might be a.txt of translated script floating around somewhere) is a lot easier than figuring out how the script works, having to program extra because most Japanese games just aren't made for anything but a Japanese script, and finally getting all of that in without the end result developing homicidal tendencies. Are probably never going to get retranslated like they should, Do tell then oh wise one. What are the exact changes and why you haven't done it?
And before you use that excuse of 'No tools' there are PLENTY of tools for G/S/C and there's tools for G/R/B as well. The excuse of 'I don't know Japanese' doesn't fly if you're going to sit here and say 'No they're different' if you can't provide more than a small handful of unimportant details. Is it anything huge to the plot?
Then elaborate? Is it small details such as move names (which honestly who cares? There's a few that could be changed like Splash but not many) trade dialogue that really just adds LEVELS of details to random NPCs without names right? Also why would you bother using the Japanese as a base? Why wouldn't you just use the US version and rewrite the dialog since it's already designed for a western character set?