Proshow Producer Templates

Rjl2gal3 wrote:I came across it somewhere before, but forgot where. I'm referring to how to get a template into Producer. I guess I'm getting too old to remember things lately. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Arduino Uno R3 Software here. Hi Richard, First you should know that there are templates in the form of pst files, and templates in the form of psh files. The psh files are regular shows and you can open them like you open any other show. For templates in the form of pst files: In Producer, go to Show >Show Template >Import Template Navigate to the directory where you saved your pst file and import it into Producer. Open an existing show or a new show and: Show >Show Template >Open Template Hope this helps. Xprog 5.3 on this page. Marilyn wrote:I have downloaded a template for Dale's Page Curl. The files have an extension of pxs.
Show templates for quickly creating standard shows. Photodex ProShow Producer was so fun to play with, it was hard to pull myself away to write this review. Learn how to use Show Template in ProShow Producer to speed up your workflow by having complete, pre-built slideshows ready to go with just a few clicks. Try ProShow Producer Free: Watch the video to learn how to use Show Templates in ProShow Producer.